
Leading Bible Discussions: Completely Revised & Expanded is unavailable, but you can change that!

Anyone can be the match that ignites a Bible discussion. All it takes is a few basic skills. This book will help you learn: • How to start a group • How to decide what to study • How to prepare to lead • How to study the Bible • How to use a study guide • How to write your own questions • How to lead the discussion • How to evaluate the study Over 100,000 copies of this...

refer to them later. The importance of careful observation cannot be overstressed since your observations will form the basis for your interpretations. In one of his most baffling cases, Sherlock Holmes commented to Watson: “I had … come to an entirely erroneous conclusion, which shows, my dear Watson, how dangerous it always is to reason from insufficient data.”4 The second step in Bible study is interpretation. Here you seek to understand those facts discovered through
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